Year One Mystique Mask Party

Dear Friends,

Hope you are all doing great and growing inside and out taking the whole world with you to the next level… If you were introduced to Mystic Mask last year, you know what am I talking about.

Year One for Mystic [Mystique] Mask is wrapping up on February 10. 2012. Full year of drawings and insights every day without a fail. That was my biggest task, no matter how much work I have, if I am travelling, on the plane, in a coffee shop, restaurant, at the friends house, at the party, to draw one Mystic Mask and write one insight every day! Lots of times I did it in the middle of the night or early morning before dawn. Then I would go out with Louie [my dog friend] for a breath of fresh air, no matter what time it is. 

In October 2011 I saw a video that was about Mayan Calendar and among other information, the date when I started with Mystic Mask. According to the Maya the “Universal Consciousness” cycle begins on Feb. 10, 2011, “where we will finally know ourselves as co-creators with The Universe”. February 10, 2011 is when the Earth and humanity will be entering the final cycle of the 9 Levels of Consciousness (as per the Maya). The first cycle began 16.4 Billion years ago. Here is a video from Ian Xel Lungold ( explaining in great detail the 9 Levels of consciousness. All this was lined up with the beginning of Mystic Mask without my conscious awareness of the synchronicity happening.
Please join us for a celebration, gifts, drinks and snacks at the Year One Mystique Mask party, where you could see original artwork on canvas, learn more about MM and if you wish, purchase MM drawings and prints as well. You will find us at 319 West 28th Street, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, (click on the address for the map) and it starts at 6pm pacific standard time, Friday, February 10, 2012.
Find Mystic Mask at or and for more images and work in progress around MM, check
See you soon,
Alex Aca [atza] Visnic
Mystic Mask Art Studio

:: Mystic Mask 120 :: Too much attachment to everything…

:: Mystic Mask 120 :: Too much attachment to everything you thought you are. Realize that it’s your choice to leave anything you don’t need anymore to dissolve into vibration that you believe and feel good you are now. Create yourself. Again and again…MM120 by Atza
