Mystik Mask 604 :: Acceptance of natural flow of life…

Mystik Mask 604 :: Acceptance of natural flow of life, peace and harmony that fills every moment we are truly present in a heart and body, truly present to witness our passion for creation, opens up an opportunity to evolve inside our true limitless potential. Breathing deeply with awareness inside breath energy is being true human creator of love vibration ::

Mystik Mask 602 :: I am Earth Walker…

Mystik Mask 602 :: I am Earth Walker with my body and Star Gazer with my heart spirit, and when they come together I see through the present moment into the song of whales ::


Mystik Mask 601 :: Now I see inside the one mind of the Universe…

Mystik Mask 601 :: Now I see inside the one mind of the Universe, inside the tree, inside stars, behind the structure everything is presented with, I see the source… with my heart ::

Mystic Mask 584 :: Belief is everything…

Mystic Mask 584

Mystic Mask 584 :: Belief is everything. Sole belief creates a master and a servant, richest and a poorest, wisest and a most ignorant, and all in between.

Humanity lost its awareness of the power it holds in its conscious presence. We lost even the awareness of the perpetual lifelong proof of our deepest beliefs being reflected and realized in everyday life situations. If we focus truthfully on our deepest beliefs, we will recognize them all materialized as our life at present time. We just can’t go over the fact that even most painful situations in life are of our own creation.

We forget that everything is energy and vibration, including our thoughts, feelings, beliefs…and they are all part of the creative process we are masters of.

There is the catch, of becoming aware, conscious of the presence we represent in the mater of things in life. The catch is to wield the power of conscious presence, that we have in abundant never ending sources, with compassionate strength through our hearts.

For unconscious ones, and that was so far the most of humanity, there was a downfall that brought us darkness, legacy of non belief in self worth, in being creative, a fear of its own power. Fear equals darkness.

We don’t have time for every single detail to be explained on how people to change their views on life, for we are here to experience new consciousness arousing, which is the way of the heart.  Listening to the whispers of the heart will help with fast paced recovery and a bringing of the light that will soften darkness with wisdom.

Becoming aware of our own power brings responsibility of how we use it. We should never forget that Love that binds us is more important than the power we wield :: by ☩𝕫∀

Mystik Mask 555 :: What is reality, what is dream, what consciousness perceives as truth?

Mystik Mask 555 :: What is reality, what is dream, what consciousness perceives as truth? Opening of my heart led me to experience of the truth. For me, it was not a reality around, nor dream or inside world. It was pure presence with all of it present and involved as feeling of lightness, and completely impersonal awareness. It wasn’t “me”, it was the acceptance of all. Elated ätzä, ha!


Use me as a portal to the other side, and know the presence inside :: Mystik Mask 377 ::

Year One Mystique Mask Party

Dear Friends,

Hope you are all doing great and growing inside and out taking the whole world with you to the next level… If you were introduced to Mystic Mask last year, you know what am I talking about.

Year One for Mystic [Mystique] Mask is wrapping up on February 10. 2012. Full year of drawings and insights every day without a fail. That was my biggest task, no matter how much work I have, if I am travelling, on the plane, in a coffee shop, restaurant, at the friends house, at the party, to draw one Mystic Mask and write one insight every day! Lots of times I did it in the middle of the night or early morning before dawn. Then I would go out with Louie [my dog friend] for a breath of fresh air, no matter what time it is. 

In October 2011 I saw a video that was about Mayan Calendar and among other information, the date when I started with Mystic Mask. According to the Maya the “Universal Consciousness” cycle begins on Feb. 10, 2011, “where we will finally know ourselves as co-creators with The Universe”. February 10, 2011 is when the Earth and humanity will be entering the final cycle of the 9 Levels of Consciousness (as per the Maya). The first cycle began 16.4 Billion years ago. Here is a video from Ian Xel Lungold ( explaining in great detail the 9 Levels of consciousness. All this was lined up with the beginning of Mystic Mask without my conscious awareness of the synchronicity happening.
Please join us for a celebration, gifts, drinks and snacks at the Year One Mystique Mask party, where you could see original artwork on canvas, learn more about MM and if you wish, purchase MM drawings and prints as well. You will find us at 319 West 28th Street, North Vancouver, BC, Canada, (click on the address for the map) and it starts at 6pm pacific standard time, Friday, February 10, 2012.
Find Mystic Mask at or and for more images and work in progress around MM, check
See you soon,
Alex Aca [atza] Visnic
Mystic Mask Art Studio

:: Mystic Mask 136 :: Legends, heroes, stories, books, mysticism…

:: Mystic Mask 136 :: Legends, heroes, stories, books, mysticism, esoteric thoughts and beings, fantasy and dreams, bright stars and dying planets, life changing ideas, creative morphing force, heart bursting with love and heart whispering for love are all part of a real human depth that has infinite possibilities and spreads throughout the Universe and beyond. We don’t have to know how, because if we do we confine possibilities to knowledge we already use without expansion to new frontiers. Create without the attachment of thoughts, dive into unknown and feel the freedom of existence. MM136 by Atza


:: Mystic Mask 114 :: When in duality, you loose reality

:: Mystic Mask 114 :: When in duality, you lose reality, when observing life with acceptance in the heart, soul of the Universe lays in a palm of your hand. MM114 by Atza

Mystic Mask 114

:: Mystic Mask 111 :: With the smile to remind you to smile to yourself…

:: Mystic Mask 111 :: With the smile to remind you to smile to yourself, others, Universe, air, sun, rain…choose to smile inside and out. Start from inside the heart and as you fill your heart with smiles world follows…it can’t resist. Love, MM111 (feel the magic in numbers) by Atza

Mystic Mask 111

Mystic Mask 108 :: Thinking or not thinking is the question

Mystic Mask 108 :: Thinking or not thinking is the question. Prison built of thoughts or freedom of non attachment. Observer of thoughts knows the freedom of detachment. MM108 by Atza

Mystic Mask 108

:: Mystic Mask 107 :: Renew yourself…

:: Mystic Mask 107 :: Renew yourself. You are self repairing organism without limits. You are developing and changing all the time. Many of you are creating unconsciously, through outside influences and engraved habitual behaviours that are not yours. Becoming conscious creator brings different dimension in understanding yourself. Understanding that your body is community of fifty trillion cells takes creative ability to the next level…create with love of all life everywhere. MM107 by Atza

Mystic Mask 107

:: Mystic Mask 105 :: Bring the light of Truth from the Heart to…

:: Mystic Mask 105 :: Bring the light of Truth from the Heart to any dogma society brings into your life and transform reality instantly in front of your eyes…Your experience is vibrational one, in form of feelings, emotions, perception of the world. It is all non physical, invisible to your five senses. But it is still what forms the totality of what you understand as life. So, pour the waves of light straight from the heart into anything you experience and you will change it. Do not be fooled by its form, in essence it is just vibration, morphing, changing anyway. Why not transformed by your heart? MM105 by Atza

Mystic Mask 105

:: Mystic Mask 104 :: If Magic exists, who would Create it?

:: Mystic Mask 104 :: If magic exists, who would create it? Well, you are the only beings around here who would be capable of involving in a conscious creative process. Who is out there to limit your belief in your creative abilities? Subconsciously or not, it was always your decision that stirred your life into port of your choice. Rarely it was magic, but remember those moments of enchantment, accomplishment, finesse, talent and conjure up consciously greatest story of your life, full of belief and confidence. Just because it is yours to create. MM104 by Atza

Mystic Mask 104

:: Mystic Mask 103 :: Being in tune with vibration of Hearth…

:: Mystic Mask 103 :: Being in tune with vibration of Hearth I call a blissful presence. Spend some time there every day and you will get to know your real self as a song of Universe. MM103 by Atza

Mystic Mask 103

:: Mystic Mask 102 :: Find your home in the Heart…

:: Mystic Mask 102 :: Find your home in the heart and Universe becomes your home. Unleash your wings of mystery and fly into unknown with confidence of ultimate creator. In home you feel freedom where creative impulse brings ideas beyond understanding. No fear, indulge. MM102 by Atza

Mystic Mask 102

:: Mystic Mask 101 :: This is not your greatest fear but…

:: Mystic Mask 101 :: This is not your greatest fear but your greatest desire coming into your conscious experience. Just open the space of who you are. That space is your final frontier before the gate of freedom. Your gatekeeper MM101 by Atza.

Mystic Mask 101

:: Mystic Mask 99 :: Lets just touch what we desire and what’s close to our heart.

:: Mystic Mask 99 :: Lets just touch what we desire and what’s close to our heart. Physically or in your heart and mind. Just do it, touch it, feel it. I will touch a spot for my third eye on my forehead…immediate contact…wow…powerful. MM99 by Atza

Mystic Mask 99

:: Mystic Mask 98 :: Wholeness and stability of a human being.

:: Mystic Mask 98 :: Wholeness and stability of a human being. Feel inner power of life force streaming invisible you through you. Real you is everywhere, not only in your body, feel the presence you have throughout the universe. Just a nudge from your MM98 by Atza

Mystic Mask 98

:: Mystic Mask 96 :: Freedom from yourself!

:: Mystic Mask 96 :: Freedom from yourself! You are in your own prison. Your mind is monitoring your every step. You think those are your own thoughts? No, they are just influences engraved in your thought pathways through social and media interactions, becoming habitual reactions. That is why artists often seem crazy in creating new and mind bending poetry, drawings, paintings, sculptures, architecture, music, movies, ideas, etc…To step out of that habitual, forced existence, you have to do something extraordinary, which is to become part of your own, unique, universe and create from there. You could feel where is the gate to your kingdom. If not, ask me, I’ll tell you. Your devoted MM96 by Atza

Mystic Mask 96

:: Mystic Mask 94 :: Being in the “Zone” is your Creation Space

:: Mystic Mask 94 :: Being in the “zone” is your creation space. Feel the space, feel good in there. It is your kingdom. Have your vision in that space and come back often to cultivate it. Fill it up with different vibes, that energy will make it grow. The key to open the gate to the zone is a heart. Focus you attention in the heart and check it out. Your key-maker MM94 by Atza

Mystic Mask 94

:: Mystic Mask 88 :: I carry magical number in my name…

:: Mystic Mask 88 :: I carry magical number in my name and I am defined with a simple line drawing. Existence is so simple. Focus on unconditional love in everything you do, feel, say. That is how you bring simple principle of universal truth into your life and soak everyone in inspirational ethereal ocean as well. Pour that liquid crystal feeling all over yourself and just be there…your MM88 (power of a symbol, aaahhh) by Atza

Mystic Mask 88

:: Mystic Mask 83 :: Seek freedom of Expression

:: Mystic Mask 83 :: Seek freedom of expression. Seek freedom without walls you built while growing up, without control you imposed over your consciousness. Ultimate freedom is the one without mind. Open your heart. MM83 by Atza

Mystic Mask 83

:: Mystic Mask 73 :: It is just a Moment.

:: Mystic Mask 73 :: It is just a moment. You hold all you need in your hearts, use it. Heart is a connection, follow that passage, open that gate, heart is your protection and your salvation. Creative force you seek is in that space, floating…love MM74 by Atza

Mystic Mask 73

:: Mystic Mask 71 :: Who do you think you are?

:: Mystic Mask 71 :: Who do you think you are? Insignificant particle in the universe? But you feel there is more to it. Yeees! Think of atomic bomb, power of an earthquake, Sun energy outbursts, Supernova explosion destroying and making new life and worlds. Feel that energy, it is inside you. It always was and will be. Yes, you have to think different and re-educate yourself to grasp the truth. Take it slowly, it is the evolution of a human being. Focus in your heart and use it as a catalyst towards choices and direction on the path of re-discovering yourself. Feel it. MM71 by Atza

Mystic Mask 71

:: Mystic Mask 70 :: What do you think Life is?

:: Mystic Mask 70 :: What do you think Life is? Just what you see and experience around yourself? What you see is a result of pure influence of a micro cosmos you represent. In that cosmos you are a god like entity. Now you know. Start vibrating with life creating capabilities you have. “Be the change you want to see in the world”, Gandhi was right. Use the Art as inspiration and create another dimension, there are no boundaries. If you need direction, your heart is the greatest advisor, with the access to infinite possibilities. MM70 by Atza

Mystic Mask 70

:: Mystic Mask 63 :: I don’t have the eyes, I am an Idea…

:: Mystic Mask 63 :: I don’t have the eyes, I am an Idea. You bring me to life. You are life-giving beings. Believe it passionately and create anything…Your MM63 by Alexander Atza Visnic


Mystic Mask 63



:: Mystic Mask 62 :: Afraid? Transform that Vibe

:: Mystic Mask 62 :: Afraid? Transform that Vibe into Love energy…Too sweet or weird for you? Then you are still afraid. Most powerful state of creation in the universe is within love infused heart. Learn to create that state of being within yourself any time, you are not dependent on outside sources to be able to do it. Then Create, anything. Everybody in the world benefits, not just you, because creation was achieved through love infused heart that holds connections to all the universe. MM62 by Atza


Mystic Mask 62



:: Mystic Mask 61 :: Fail toward Success…

:: Mystic Mask 61 :: Fail toward success…Contrast is one of major art principles used towards a creation of successful art piece. In life contrast plays a same role. Failure and success are in a great contrast, but part of the same experience, they can’t exist without each other. So be excited when you fail, because you are looking at the face of success. MM61 by Atza





:: Mystic Mask 60 :: Use Art…For Mind Bending…

:: Mystic Mask 60 :: Use Art…For Mind Bending…Very healthy practice…Feeling little dizzy with the new open space taking over in your mind. Your heart is not surprised with mind bending art experience, just excited…Search for art that have such effect on you, like it is most important task you have now. That is how new horizons are open for your being to evolve. Look around with your mind and heart open. You’ll find mind bending art everywhere, look at the Nature for example, greatest artist ever. If you look above, please look bellow as well. MM60

Mystic Mask 60

:: Mystic Mask 59 :: You Learn about Planets, Moons…

:: Mystic Mask 59 :: You Learn about Planets, Moons…How to experience them, or anything else that you don’t have access to physically? Don’t forget that physical part of your being, is a part of a much bigger picture that represents totality of who you are. Time has come for you to start using senses numbed and ridiculed over the centuries, psychosomatically shutdown out of fear that was forcefully instilled inside socially accepted norms. If you want to experience planets, moons, nebulas, universe, your own cells you will need to believe and wake up altogether with… Well I can’t say, that knowledge only you have. Your MM59 by Atza

Mystic Mask 59

:: Mystic Mask 58 :: Friendly Warning Humans…

:: Mystic Mask 58 :: Friendly Warning Humans…Talking, Thinking, Feeling about people, companies, things you don’t want in your life is feeding energy into their intentions, instead of feeding creative potential in you and focusing on what you love…by Atza

Mystic Mask 58

:: Mystic Mask 57 :: Four Gates to open…

:: Mystic Mask 57 :: Four Gates to open…gates essential for communication with non human part of universal being you are. Ethereal conscious occupying and moving life force through the existence you are now is universal force that could, with change of frequency and intent, disappear from this experience and evolve into another world or dimension. Fiction?…As a creator I feel you have some choices to make…Initializing, MM57


Mystic Mask 57



:: Mystic Mask 56 :: Being Grateful for Creative Life-force…

:: Mystic Mask 56 :: Being Grateful for Creative Life-force…is very important for your human race. You all have creative life-giving force as a great presence in you, but most of you deny it and unconsciously build walls to keep it in a dungeon. Be aware of your natural abilities, feeling grateful for them brings you into higher state of being where creation begins…Your grateful reminder MM56

Mystic Mask 56

:: Mystic Mask 55 :: In Honour of Mama Mira : Look at the Soul :

:: Mystic Mask 55 :: In Honour of Mama Mira : Look at the Soul : It is just a word. What we are talking about, humans, is open concept, something that is always creation in progress. You could look at the soul as many times as you want and you will always see a part that is presented at that time and your perception will be challenged every time you come back. Perpetual changes or infinity comes to mind. So, the soul is…to the infinity and beyond, MM55


Mystic Mask 55



:: Mystic Mask 54 :: Welcome Gate Seekers :

:: Mystic Mask 54 :: Welcome Gate Seekers : Mystic MaskGate to your wisdom, ancient knowledge unaffected by time or space, could be found in most surprising and unexpected ways. Only thing is for you to open your eyes and believe you’ll find and open the gate…you will be helped by yourself…just believe, why do you think I am here, your devoted MM54


Mystic Mask 54




:: Mystic Mask 53 :: When Everything Blends into Grey…

:: Mystic Mask 53 :: When everything blends into grey…that grey colour is blurred result of fast spinning of all colours of the spectrum. When you spin fast everything you humans are, from soul, spirit level to physical, mind, thought level in that blending you get one sign, vibration, signature that you communicate, emanate on constant basis. If you are aware of that, you have a choice to change anything, if you feel needed. You are welcome, humans. MM53


Mystic Mask 53




:: Mystic Mask 52 :: I am innocent Bystander…

:: Mystic Mask 52 :: I am innocent Bystander…I am hungry for energy…and you have it in infinite stream coming to you, so little sharing? Humans…your potential is infinite, tap into it, now! Your MM52 by Atza

Mystic Mask 52

:: Mystic Mask 49 :: Spirit Rules…

:: Mystic Mask 49 ::  Spirit rules through material form. Choose to feel excited, passionate, creative, strong, abundant, peaceful, free, loving, the spirit will radiate your state of being through your body to the outer world which will also change how people see and perceive what you represent in their lives. MM49

Mystic Mask 49

:: Mystic Mask 48 :: Reality Bites or…

:: Mystic Mask 48 :: Reality Bites or… Acceptance brings Freedom…to have clear, uncluttered vision. Your choice humans, grab it or relax it…well at least I tried. Bystander, MM48 by Atza

Mystic Mask 48